Oct 1, 2012 | Atlanta GA Heating, Coupons and Specials, Furnace Repair, Heating Tuneup, Maintenance, Uncategorized
Let Fulton Plumbing Make your Life Easier with Furnace and Boiler Tune Ups October is coming fast and around this time of the year, once you hit these late year months, something always changes… the weather! The fall and the wintertime are wonderful times of the year with all of the great family holidays and being able to cuddle up on the couch with a good book, but as you begin to pile the blankets on, eventually the heat will need to go on with it! As a full-service heating and cooling company, Fulton Plumbing likes to make sure that all of our clients and community members in the Metro Atlanta Area are prepared for the drop in temperature. One of the most important things you can do is get a heating system tune up! Whether you use a boiler, a furnace, a geothermal heating system, or any other kind of heat source, making sure that it is functioning properly and at maximum efficiency can make all of the difference between a good season and a bad season. *Check out our Special Offers!* In general, heating systems are easy to maintain. No matter what kind you have, there are certain things that you can do to make sure it is in tip-top condition all year round. The recommended maintenance for any heating and cooling system is twice a year. Usually, you want to have your furnace or boiler checked out in the spring time when summer is heading your way and also as summer begins to come to an end. In doing this, you will make sure that any repairs...